
Moving Made Easy: Mastering the Best Way to Pack Clothes

best way to pack clothes for moving

Are you constantly struggling with packing your clothes for a move? Do you find yourself asking, “How do I keep my delicate fabrics wrinkle-free?” or “What’s the best way to prevent my clothes from getting damaged during transportation?” We understand the real challenges and questions that arise when it comes to packing clothes for a move. Don’t worry. We are here to guide you through the best way to pack clothes for moving, providing you with practical tips and tricks to simplify the process.

Discover the answers to common dilemmas like how to maximize space in your moving boxes or how to organize different clothing categories effectively. Say goodbye to the frustration of mismatched socks or the panic of finding your favorite outfit crumpled beyond recognition.

Whether you’re moving to a new house in the UK or embarking on a cross-country adventure, these strategies on how to pack clothes for moving will help you make the most of your packing process.

Let’s get started without further adieu.

Things to Do Before Packing

Before you start packing your clothes for a move, here are some easy and practical pro tips to ensure a smooth process

Declutter and Donate

Declutter and Donate

Sort through your clothes and separate items you no longer wear or need. Donate them to charity or sell them online. This will help reduce the number of clothes you have to pack and make your move more efficient.

Clean Your Clothes

Launder or dry clean your clothes before packing them. This ensures that your clothes are fresh, eliminates any odors, and prevents dirt or stains from setting in during transit.

Assess Your Wardrobe

Take a closer look at your wardrobe and identify any delicate or valuable items. Set them aside to be packed with extra care and protection, such as wrapping them in tissue paper or placing them in individual garment bags.

Gather Packing Supplies

Collect all the necessary packing supplies, including sturdy moving boxes, packing tape, bubble wrap, and labels. Having everything at hand before you start packing will make the process more efficient.

Organize by Category or Season

Sort your clothes into categories, such as tops, bottoms, dresses, or by season. This will make it easier to pack and unpack specific items when you arrive at your new home.

Take Measurements

Take Measurements of your furniture and closet

Measure your furniture and closet space in your new home to ensure your clothes will fit. This will help you consider which items to bring and how many hangers or storage solutions you’ll need.

Take Inventory and Photos

Make a detailed inventory of your clothes, noting down the number of items in each category. Additionally, take photos of your clothes, especially valuable or sentimental pieces, for reference and insurance purposes.

Plan for Hanging Clothes

Invest in wardrobe boxes or garment bags for hanging clothes. These specialized boxes will keep your clothes protected and prevent them from getting wrinkled during the move. 

Use Special Boxes and Bags

Cardboard BoxesIdeal for neatly packing folded clothing items for the move.
Wardrobe boxesPerfect for keeping clothes on hangers, simplifying the unpacking process.
Suitcases and duffel bagsConvenient alternatives to boxes, suitable for packing folded clothes and shoes.
Vacuum bagsEfficiently compress bulky clothing items, like jackets and coats, to save space during transportation.

Label and Organize Boxes

Clearly label each box with the contents and the room they belong to. This will make unpacking much easier. Additionally, priorities labelling boxes with essential items you’ll need immediately, like underwear or everyday outfits.

Pro Tips for the Best Way to Pack Clothes for Moving

Here are some additional moving clothes hacks/ pro tips for the best way to pack clothes, building upon the preparation steps mentioned earlier.

Use Small Boxes for Heavy Items

Use Small Boxes for Heavy Items

When packing heavier clothing items like shoes or winter coats, opt for smaller boxes. This prevents the box from becoming too heavy and ensures easy lifting and transport.

Keep Similar Items Together

Group similar clothing items together within boxes or suitcases. This will make unpacking and organizing your new closet much easier.

Utilize Space Inside Shoes

Make the most of the space inside your shoes by stuffing them with small clothing items or accessories. This helps to optimize space and keeps your shoes in shape during transportation.

Roll Instead of Fold

Roll Cloths Instead of Fold

Rolling your clothes instead of folding helps minimise wrinkles and optimize packing efficiency. As mentioned before, This technique also allows you to easily see and access each item without disrupting the entire stack.

Layer Fragile Items

If you have delicate or fragile clothing items, such as dresses or blouses with intricate details, layer them between sturdier garments. This provides an extra layer of protection and prevents them from being crushed.

Pack in Reverse Order

When it comes to unpacking, consider packing your clothes in reverse order of how you usually wear them. This way, the items you’re likely to need first will be on top, making them easily accessible.

Utilize Empty Suitcases and Bags

Take advantage of your empty suitcases and duffel bags by packing them with clothes. This not only saves space but also keeps your luggage functional during the move.

Consider Fragrance Protection

To keep your clothes smelling fresh during the move, consider adding scented sachets or dryer sheets among your packed items. This will help combat any potential musty odors that can occur during transit.

Create an Essentials Box

Create an Essentials Box for cloths toiletries

Pack a separate box or bag with essential clothes, toiletries, and other items you’ll need immediately upon arrival. This saves you from rummaging through multiple boxes to find what you need right away.

How to Pack Hanging Clothes for Moving?

To pack hanging clothes for moving, consider using wardrobe boxes or garment bags for optimal protection. Wardrobe boxes have a metal bar to hang clothes, while garment bags offer lightweight convenience. Alternatively, a rolling rack allows for easy transportation of hanging clothes but with less protection. 

Another option is a portable closet, providing both organization and protection but taking up more space. Choose the method that suits your needs and ensures your clothes remain safe during the move. 

How to Pack Non-Hanging Clothes

Folded methodNeatly fold non-hanging clothes into compact squares or rectangles.
Military rolling methodRoll clothes tightly to save space and prevent wrinkles.
Compression bagsUse vacuum-sealed bags to compress and maximise space for bulky items.
Suitcases and dresser drawersUtilise suitcases or leave clothes in dresser drawers for convenience. Remember to remove fragile items.

What Not to Pack While Moving

  • Avoid stuffing boxes with excessive clothes.
  • Pack seasonal clothes separately for easier unpacking.
  • Pack a separate bag with immediate clothing needs.
  • Opt for transparent bins for easy visibility and protection.
  • Clearly label boxes with content infos and room designation.
  • Use tissue paper or garment bags for delicate items.
  • Capture images of complex closet arrangements for easy reassembly.

Wrapping Up

In essence, mastering the best way to pack clothes for a move can make a world of difference. From sorting and folding to utilizing specialized storage solutions, such as wardrobe boxes and garment bags, these efficient tips will ensure your clothes are organized, protected, and ready to wear to your new destination. Moreover, you can get a hassle free moving service from us. So, pack smart, stay organized, and make your move hassle-free.


How do I maximize my packing for a move?

You can maximize your packing for a move by using space-saving techniques like rolling clothes, utilizing vacuum-sealed bags, and packing smaller items inside larger ones.

You can maximize your packing for a move by using space-saving techniques like rolling clothes, utilizing vacuum-sealed bags, and packing smaller items inside larger ones.

For a house move or relocation in the UK, the best way to pack clothes is to sort, fold, and utilize wardrobe boxes, garment bags, and vacuum-sealed bags to ensure efficient and protected transportation.

What is the best way to fold clothes for moving?

The best way to fold clothes for moving is to fold them neatly into compact squares or rectangles, minimizing wrinkles and maximizing space utilization.

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